The World Resources Institute argued that it would not be enough to simply reverse the rollbacks of the Trump administration. The lost time for action during the Trump administration and looming threats meant that the administration needs to “roll forward.” The key ways to do this, the WRI, stated were: 1) return science to the center of decision-making and elevate frontline voices; 2) establish the U.S. as a global climate leader; 3) reinstate emission standards and advance zero-emissions vehicle performance standards; 4) rescind the replacement rule for the Clean Power Plan and develop new standards; 5) reinstate and strengthen methane rules for oil and gas; 6) repeal new methane rule for low-carbon steel and cementer and set new standards; 7) set stronger efficiency standards and encourage building electrification. The recommendations noted the role of the EPA in rescinding and developing regulations and the need to better include frontline community members in decision-making processes at the EPA.
Tyler Clevenger and Dan Lashof, “7 Ways the Biden Administration Can Reverse Climate Rollbacks,” World Resources Institute, January 19, 2021.