In this report, EDGI documented alterations to many federal agency Web resources about climate change during the Trump administration. The changes included overhauls and removals of documents, webpages, and entire websites, as well as significant language shifts. Some of these changes resulted in effective censorship of discussions of climate change.
Toly Rinberg, Maya Anjur-Dietrich, Marcy Beck, Andrew Bergman, Justin Derry, Lindsey Dillon, Gretchen Gehrke, Rebecca Lave, Chris Sellers, Nick Shapiro, Anastasia Aizman, Dan Allan, Madelaine Britt, Raymond Cha, Janak Chadha, Morgan Currie, Sara Johns, Abby Klionsky, Stephanie Knutson, Katherine Kulik, Aaron Lemelin, Kevin Nguyen, Eric Nost, Kendra Ouellette, Lindsay Poirier, Sara Rubinow, Justin Schell, Lizz Ultee, Julia Upfal, Tyler Wedrosky, Jacob Wylie, EDGI, "Changing the Digital Climate," Environmental Data & Governance Initiative, 2018.