This blog post by Earthjustice highlights the organization’s courtroom battles—and victories—over the last four years. The page offers links to several court cases: 1) the prevention of a corporate ploy to weaken the Clean Water Act in Hawai’i; 2) the protection of the Arctic against industrial exploitation, especially dirty energy such as oil and gas drilling; 3) the revocation of the Dakota Access Pipeline’s permits at Standing Rock and requirement of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to review the pipeline project’s environmental impact; 4) providing assistance to grassroots organizations to end and resist dirty energy companies from establishing oil or coal terminals in Washington state; 5) the protection of grizzly bears populations in Yellowstone from trophy hunting; 6) the prevention of the Pebble Mine project from being granted a permit in Bristol Bay, protecting its waters and wild salmon; 7) advancing the transition from fossil fuels to 100% clean energy; and 8) protecting endangered species and regional biodiversity by reducing fossil fuel development, deforestation, and industrial development.
Earthjustice “Until the Earth Thrives, We Will Never Rest” Earthjustice, January 19, 2021.